Thursday, October 15, 2015

Project Based Learning!

This month we are working on a Project-Based Learning Unit on Community Helpers.  Project-Based Learning is learning by doing.  Students have been participating in learning centers to explore and learn about various careers in the community.  The different centers included learning about becoming a dentist, fire fighter, doctor, veterinarian, chef, architect, police officer and cashier. Students have also read books and watched videos about careers. This week they are listening to visitors from the community share about their careers.  So far we had visits from a banker, nurse, wellness coordinator, farmer, police officer, and musician. Next week they will begin writing about a career they are interested in.  They will work on a rough draft and final draft explain what they want to be when they grow up.  Their work will be displayed in the hallway for all to see!  They will share their writing with the class on Friday, October 23rd when they dress us as the career they have chosen.

A special thank you to Mrs. Delong for talking to us about being a farmer.  She also brought in a pumpkin for each student!

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