Friday, February 24, 2012

Money, Money, Money!

In Math we are learning about the penny, nickel and dime. Your child will be expected to identify all three coins and tell the value of each coin. They will also be required to count mixed coins. One great way to practice at home would be to allow your child to use real coins to count money.

Next week we will review counting money and we will learn how to tell time to the hour.

This week in Language Arts we worked on reading words with beginning and ending blends. Here are some words you should have your child practice reading at home:
(slide , sled , sleep , flag , slow , clap , slip , crib , crab , flat, flip, plot, plug, trap, trip, spot, drops, skip, mask, lift, milk, cost, land, sand, left, past, desk)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Today for Valentine's Day my class wrote about things that they love. Check out our new podcast titled "Valentine's Day."

Here are some pictures from our Valentine Party! A special thanks to all of the parents that donated food--the snack were delicious. Thanks to all the parents that came in to help at our party!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

February Fun!

February is Dental Health Month. We starting learning about how to take care of our teeth. We have been reading lots of books and doing fun activities related to dental health. Earlier this week we received a visit from "Happy Tooth".

On Monday we celebrated the 100th day of kindergarten. It was an exciting day filled with lots of fun activities. We had a lot of fun guessing the 100 items that everyone brought in. Some items included--shark teeth, puzzle pieces, M&M's, beads and stickers. Your child will be bringing his/her autograph booklet home very soon. We are still working on collecting 100 autographs from friends and teachers here at school.

We will be having a Math test on Friday. Studnets will have to count by 5's, 10's and 2's. They will also have to fill in missing numbers in the number patterns. Please also review even and odd numbers, ordinal numbers and the number line. Today we used our new frog number lines to practice moving "up" and "back" on a number line.

As always please contact me with any questions or concerns!

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