Sunday, December 20, 2015

A Very Big Thank You!

Dear Kindergarten Students and Parents,

I am happy to announce that Kora Lynn Sharkazy was born on December 14th at 12:05 in the morning.  She was 6 pounds 15 ounces and 21 inches long.  She is so beautiful and I am so happy to be a mommy.

I miss all of you, but I know you will have a great time with Mrs. Grabfelder.  I talk to her a lot so she keeps me updated on how you are doing.  I hope you all have a wonderful holiday.  I know Frisbee has been reporting a lot of good things to Santa each night.

Thank you for the wonderful book of baby advice you made me.  I look at it each day and it makes me smile thinking about all of you.  You gave me such good advice!  I am really ready to be the best mommy thanks to my special book.  Thank you for the whale picture too!  It is hanging in Kora’s room.  She loves it too!  It matches her bedroom theme.  I think of you when I go into her room and see it.  The gift card you gave me will be perfect when it’s time to buy Kora some new toys.  Maybe when I visit you can tell me about some toys that she might like.

Your kindness warms my heart.  I am so lucky to have such a wonderful class to share this very special time with. 

Mrs. Sharkazy

Monday, November 23, 2015

Our Thanksgiving Podcast!

Today we talked about things we are thankful for.  We hope you enjoy our new podcast!

Friday, November 13, 2015


This week we continued to talk about internal and external body parts.  Please encourage your child to share what he/she knows about the body!  Enjoy the pictures.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Vocab Parade!

We concluded our Project-Based Learning Unit with the Vocabulary Parade.  The students dressed up in costumes according to what they want to be when they grow up.  Everyone did a fabulous job!  Amelia and Richard , both from our class, were the kindergarten winners!  Congratulations to them and thank you to everyone who participated.  Enjoy the pictures!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Project Based Learning Writing Assignment!

As part of our Project-Based Learning Unit on Community Helpers the students had to write about what they want to be when they grow up.  Their work will be hanging in the hallway for you to see during parent/teacher conferences in November. We hope you enjoy listening to our new podcast!

Friday, October 16, 2015

Our First Podcast!

Check out our first podcast- ABC Chant 2015.  We hope you enjoy!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Project Based Learning!

This month we are working on a Project-Based Learning Unit on Community Helpers.  Project-Based Learning is learning by doing.  Students have been participating in learning centers to explore and learn about various careers in the community.  The different centers included learning about becoming a dentist, fire fighter, doctor, veterinarian, chef, architect, police officer and cashier. Students have also read books and watched videos about careers. This week they are listening to visitors from the community share about their careers.  So far we had visits from a banker, nurse, wellness coordinator, farmer, police officer, and musician. Next week they will begin writing about a career they are interested in.  They will work on a rough draft and final draft explain what they want to be when they grow up.  Their work will be displayed in the hallway for all to see!  They will share their writing with the class on Friday, October 23rd when they dress us as the career they have chosen.

A special thank you to Mrs. Delong for talking to us about being a farmer.  She also brought in a pumpkin for each student!

Safety Town!

Yesterday we enjoyed the Safety Town visit which was organized by our PTA.  Employees from Lehigh Valley Hospital along with fire fighters and EMT talked about safety in our homes and communities.  Ask your child to tell you all about the visit!  Enjoy the pictures.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Fun With Centers!

Learn centers are a great way for students to work together in small groups.  The center activities reflect what we are learning in whole group. We have a writing center, technology center, listening center, guided reading center, math center and word work center. Enjoy the pictures from our first week of centers!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

This Week

This week we will finish learning about all of the letters in the alphabet.  If your child is struggling with letter recognition please practice with them each night.  If you are looking for new ways to practice at home, please contact me. 

In Kid Writing we are working on writing complete sentences.  Please encourage your child to write at home!  Remind them to start their sentence with a capital letter, use spaces between their words, and use punctuation at the end of the sentence.  Enjoy the pictures of the journals from today!

In Math we will review numbers 0-5 tomorrow.  We will be having our first Math test on Friday.  Please look over the review sheet that will come home tomorrow.  It will be a good way to study with your child at home before our test.

Here are some pictures from our Popsicle party last Friday!  We earned 10 golden tickets for having HERO behavior!

Monday, September 14, 2015

Kid Writing Fun!

This week in kid writing we will be working on writing complete sentences.  We will use our new sight words to help us build those sentences.  Please encourage your child to write at home.  Remind them to start with a capital letter, leave spaces in between the words, and use punctuation at the end of the sentence.

Please practice the letter flashcards at home with your child.  Letter and sound recognition are extremely important at this point in the year.  Ask your child to sing our alphabet chant.  We have worked on letters A-J so far.

As always, contact me with any questions or concerns!

Friday, September 4, 2015


Today we sponge painted apples to help decorate the hallway!


Please remember to have your child practice writing his/her first name.  Remember that the first letter should be capital and the rest lowercase. 

Please also encourage neat coloring.  Students should be able to color a picture neatly and stay inside the lines.

Send a snack with your child each day.

Encourage HERO behavior in school.  You can refer to the inside of the orange behavior book for our HERO expectations.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Kid Writing Fun!

Today we wrote our first sentence in our kid writing journals!  We learned about capitalization, spacing (spaceman), and punctuation.  We also learned our first two sight words--I, am. Please encourage your child to write at home!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Letter A!

Today we learned about the letter Aa.  We learned the sound it makes and we learned how to write capital and lowercase Aa.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Our First Day!

The first day of kindergarten went well!  We are all adjusting to new routines and learning about HERO expectations.  We read lots of stories, colored pictures, and learned about the colors red and blue.  Tomorrow we will continue learning about colors and we will also start to practice writing our first names. 

There are a lot of important papers that will come home this week.  Please review them carefully and return the paperwork that needs to be returned.

If you have any questions or concerns please be sure to contact me!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Best Wishes!

Thank you for a wonderful year!  I will truly miss all of my students. I will always be interested in what your child is up to, how they are doing and all of their amazing accomplishments.  I look forward to hearing from you or them in the future!

I wish everyone a safe and happy summer.

Mrs. Sharkazy

Thursday, May 28, 2015

New Podcast!

We hope you enjoy our new podcast about what we want to be when we grow up!

Monday, May 4, 2015

Field Day Fun!

Class Book Presentation!

I would like to thank everyone who came to our book presentation today!  I hope you liked the book and our video.  I hope your child looks at their book one day and remembers all of the fun the had in kindergarten.  Enjoy the pictures!

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