Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Spring Party!

We hope you enjoy the pictures from our egg hunt and party today!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Pot Of Gold!

We hope you enjoy our new podcast titled "If I Had a Pot Of Gold".  Here are some pictures of the project we worked on today!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

New Skills!

This week we are learning how to read words with beginning and ending blends.  The following list of words are some examples of words with blends: flag, flip, flop, clip, clap, clam, plan, plot, plus, crab, crib, milk, silk, mask, desk, risk, skin, skip, spin, spill, stop, step.

Today in math we learned how to tell time to the hour.  Each child practiced telling time using mini clocks that I provided. They really seemed to enjoy learning about time.  They were anxious to tell time on our classroom clock! We will be having a test next Tuesday.  Your child will be expected to count mixed coins (penny, nickel, dime), tell time to the hour, and identify time of day (morning, afternoon, evening).  They must also be familiar with the calendar.  Please refer to the worksheet that came home last week for the calendar skills your child will be expected to know for the test.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

100 Yellow Wolves!

I would like to congratulate my class on earning 100 yellow wolves.  Keep up the good work!  We celebrated today with a popsicle party!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Green Eggs and Ham!

In celebration of Dr. Seuss' birthday we read Green Eggs and Ham.  Our first Mystery Reader for the month of March was Mr. Sharkazy.  After the story we ate some green eggs!  Our green eggs were made from cool whip and lime sherbet.  Enjoy the pictures!

Next week in Math we will learn how to tell time to the hour.  We will also spend a lot of time reviewing money and counting mixed coins.  We will also review calendar skills and the terms-morning, afternoon and evening.  Please refer to the daily math worksheets for at home activities to help your child with the new skills we are learning in school.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns that you may have!
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