Monday, May 30, 2011

The Countdown Begins!

I can't believe we are down to only 9 more days of school! This year went by so fast.

For the remainder of the year we will work on addition and subtraction. These are some of the most difficult math concepts that we have learned all year. Please practice addition and subtraction all summer so that your child will be ready for first grade. You can practice addition and subtraction in fun ways. For example we used pretzels last week to demonstrate subtraction problems. You can use cereal, fruit snacks, toys, stickers, or simply draw pictures.

In Language Arts we are reviewing all of the skills learned this year. Those skills include- compare and contract, main idea, character, setting, sequence, realism and fantasy, nouns, and verbs. We are also reviewing letters, sounds, decoding skills and fluent reading. We have also been reviewing all 40 sight words. In writing we will be concentrating writing two or more sentence each time we write. We will also continue focusing on writing neatly, leaving meatball spaces, and using correct punctuation.

We have some exciting things coming up the next few days.

June 6- 25 Book Challenge Celebration (if you did not hand in the sheet please do so by June 3rd)
June 7- Kindergarten Picnic and Readers Theatre Presentation (rain date June 8th)
June 13- Last Day of School and Beach Party (more information coming soon)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Field Day 2011!

A special thank you to Mrs. Vajda for all of her hard work. Field Day was a blast!

May Fun!

Earlier this month we planted marigold seeds! Thanks again to everyone who donated seeds and soil! The children are having a great time watching their plants grow. I will be sending home the plants at the end of the month.

A special thanks to Mr. Bindics for teaching us about screen printing. Our Field Day shirts turned out great!

We have been learning addition in Math and we will be having a test next Tuesday. We will start our final chapter, subtraction, next week!
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