Sunday, December 20, 2015

A Very Big Thank You!

Dear Kindergarten Students and Parents,

I am happy to announce that Kora Lynn Sharkazy was born on December 14th at 12:05 in the morning.  She was 6 pounds 15 ounces and 21 inches long.  She is so beautiful and I am so happy to be a mommy.

I miss all of you, but I know you will have a great time with Mrs. Grabfelder.  I talk to her a lot so she keeps me updated on how you are doing.  I hope you all have a wonderful holiday.  I know Frisbee has been reporting a lot of good things to Santa each night.

Thank you for the wonderful book of baby advice you made me.  I look at it each day and it makes me smile thinking about all of you.  You gave me such good advice!  I am really ready to be the best mommy thanks to my special book.  Thank you for the whale picture too!  It is hanging in Kora’s room.  She loves it too!  It matches her bedroom theme.  I think of you when I go into her room and see it.  The gift card you gave me will be perfect when it’s time to buy Kora some new toys.  Maybe when I visit you can tell me about some toys that she might like.

Your kindness warms my heart.  I am so lucky to have such a wonderful class to share this very special time with. 

Mrs. Sharkazy
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