Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A Busy Winter!

I can't believe January is almost over! We have been so busy in Kindergarten the time is just flying by! Last week we participated in a "Create Your Own Cover" Contest for Mark Teague's new dinosaur book. Our class came up with some clever titles like "How do dinosaurs exercise?" and "How do dinosaurs ride a bike?". Caroline's idea was "How do dinosaurs dance at recitals?". Hunter's cover looks great and he came up with the title "How do dinosaurs learn how to ride a skateboard?".

This week we worked on a snowman marshmallow project. The students had a fun time with this one! They especially enjoyed eating the leftover marshmallows! Joseph's finished project looks great! Joshua looks like he is enjoying this project!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

You've Got Mail

The 100th Day of School is very quickly approaching. This year Kindergarten is trying to collect 100 postcards by the 100th Day of School on February 5th. We need the help of family and friends to achieve our goal! If you are traveling, or have a family member that is traveling, please send us a post card. Sending a postcard from home is great as well. We also encourage you to pass this information along to family and friends living in different states/countries. Once we start receiving our postcards we are going to place a map in our pod. We are going to mark where each postcard comes from. Our students will love receiving the postcards and this will also make for great geography and math lessons! Thanks for your support!

Miss Korsak's Kindergarten
George Wolf Elementary School
300 Allen Street
Bath, PA 18014

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Numbers, Numbers, Numbers!

Last week we started a new chapter in Math. On Thursday the students were introduced to the hundreds chart. We practiced counting from 1 to 100 and we also explored number patterns on a hundreds chart. Next week we will be learning how to count by 10's, 5's and 2's. Skip counting can be a difficult skill to master so I would encourage you to practice counting at home with your child. The more practice they have the faster they will learn skip counting. Please review the math workbook pages each night for "At Home Activities" to do with your child.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Mitten

This week we read a story called "The Mitten" by Barbara McClintock. I felt it was the perfect story considering the extremely cold weather that we have endured the last few weeks! After reading the story the students were given a mitten shaped paper and they were asked to write a sentence telling about their favorite part of the story. I have to say that I was impressed with the quality of their writing. I am displaying their mitten stories in the hallway, but I will be sending them home in February for you to see and enjoy!

During kid writing I have started giving the students a prompt to follow. Part of the requirement for the report card is whether or not they can write on topic. When writing at home with your child I would encourage you to give them a topic to write about. Some children become overwhelmed when given a prompt and forget the basic writing skills. Modeling how to write according to topic is helpful and reminding them of their basic writing skills (i.e. capitalization, spacing, punctuation, neatness, organization) will be helpful.

Please remember that report cards will be coming home February 1st. I will start testing for the report cards over the next few weeks. As always it would be beneficial to review letters, sounds, sight words (all 18), numbers, counting, shapes, days of the week, and hand writing. Also, when reading each night review setting, character, main idea , and beginning, middle, end.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone enjoyed the holiday season! I just wanted to let you know that the Alphabet Chant Podcast should now be working properly! Enjoy!
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