Thursday, January 29, 2015

New Podcast!

Check out our new podcast!  We wrote about our predictions for Groundhog's Day.  Do you think Punxsutawney Phil will see his shadow?

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Postcard Update!

We currently have 88 postcards.  Our 100th day will be on February 4th.  Please keep sending us postcards so we can reach our goal of 100 postcards by the 100th day of school!

Math Fun!

Last week we learned about even and odd numbers.  This week we will continue to practice counting by 2's, 5's and 10's.  We will also learn about ordinal numbers and we will review the number line.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Happy January!

It's hard to believe that the holidays are over and we are back to school already!  I hope you all had a wonderful holiday. 

In Language Arts we will continue to practice reading new words and sentences.  Please refer to the weekly assessments for basic sentences that you can have your child practice reading at home.  At this point in the year I am beginning to expect your child to read with some fluency (reading like we talk).  The more practice they get the easier it will be for them to become fluent readers.  Please read with your child every night.  Please also review letters, letter sounds, and sight words. 

In Kid Writing I will be encouraging all students to write at least 2 sentences independently.  They will be expected to use correct punctuation, spacing, and capitalization.  They will also be expected to spell simple words phonetically.  Please encourage this when they are writing at home!  Remember that you can encourage them to write about fun things they do on the weekend, their favorite food, the weather, sports, their family, friends, or school!  You could even start a journal for them to use at home to make writing even more fun!

In Math we will continue to practice counting by 2's, 5's, and 10's.  We will also be learning about even and odd numbers.  Please continue to have your child practice counting to 100.  They should also be able to identify numbers 1-100. 

~ Keep sending in postcards!  We currently have 64 postcards and we are hoping to reach 100 by our 100th day of kindergarten.  As long as the weather cooperates we will celebrate the 100th day on February 2nd. 
~ Ask your child if he/she needs andy new supplies.  Some students are running out of glue and many of them could use a new pack of crayons.
~ Continue to practice all of the sight words each night.
~ Encourage your child to write their name neatly on all homework assignments!
~ Read with your child each night.  At this point they might even be able to read to you!  Review character, setting, main idea, and sequence when you read to your child.

As always, please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Stay warm!
Mrs. Sharkazy
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