Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Another Fun Week!

I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend!  I am excited to be back to school and I hope your child is as well :)

This week we will be working on letters Aa-Hh.  We will practice identifying these letters, saying the sound for each letter, and writing each letter.  Please practice these skills at home with your child each night.  Ask your child to sing our alphabet chant to you.  It's a great way for them to practice their letters and sounds! Please also continue to help your child write his/her first name.  Remember that the first letter should be capital and the rest should be lowercase.  We will also review the first two sight words- I and can. We will be working on rhyming all year long.  This can be a difficult skill for some children so reinforcing the skill at home will be helpful!

In Math we are just finishing up our shape book and color book.  On Wednesday we will begin Chapter 1 which will consist of the following skills- top, middle, bottom, left, right, under, over, above, below, in and out.  We will also work on sorting objects by color, shape and size.  Please review the math worksheet that will come home each night.  The back of the worksheet will have some "At Home" activities to do with your child each night.

A few reminders--
~ Please review the student dress code.  Students must wear shirts with sleeves.
~ Please check your child's folder each night and be sure to sign the behavior book each night!
~ Please take time to sit with your child during homework time.  Homework should be completed neatly!

As always please feel free to contact me with an questions or concerns!

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