Tuesday, September 20, 2011

We Are.......Writers!

We started kid writing last week! I am happy to report that the students are doing a wonderful job so far. We are learning how to start our sentence on the left side of the page, begin the sentence with a capital letter, leave "meatball spaces" in between words and finish our sentence with a period. Please encourage your child to write at home!

Tomorrow we will have our Chapter 1 Math Test. Please look over your child's worksheet tonight, as it will have many of the key concepts that we have learned about in this chapter. On Thursday we will begin Chapter 2, which will be all about patterns!

In Language Arts we are working on character, setting and sequence. Please review these at home when reading with your child each night. We have also learned about letters A-P. Please review those letters and the sounds they make each night. We are also working on sight words- I, am, the, little. Once your child knows all of the Unit 1 sight words please send them into school labeled with your child's name. We will test your child and send the cards back home for you to continue to practice throughout the year.

~ Please make sure you send lunch money in an envelope or baggie with your child's name on it.
~ Your child must be able to correctly write his/her first name by the end of September.
~Picture Day is Friday, September 30th.
~Continue to practice writing all the letters of the alphabet correctly.
~ Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns- korsakv@nasdschools.org

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