Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday! Best wishes for a very Happy New Year! This week the students wrote about their New Year's goal. I was planning on sending the paper home until I saw how funny some of them were so I ended up hanging their work in the hallway. In the picture on this post, Nate, Mackenzie and Jacob are sharing their work with their classmates! At this point all students should just about be ready to write independently. Please encourage your child to write at home. The more they practice the better they will get! You could make or purchase a kid writing journal for your child to write in at home. Encourage them to leave spaces between words, to only capitalize the first letter of the sentence, and to use punctuation at the end of the sentence!

In Language Arts we are half way through Unit 3. This week we are working on Cause and Effect. We are also continuing to review character, setting, main idea and plot. Please keep practicing all sight words from Units 1, 2 and 3. Also continue to review letters, sounds and decoding words. Remember that those tan booklets are a great way to help you child decode and read words.

In Math we have now learned numbers 0-30. We have been doing a lot of work with ten frames. Students should be able to recognize and identify each of those numbers and write each number correctly. They should also be able to count from 0-31. Again, the math worksheet that is sent home each night has at home activities that you can do with your child to reinforce the skills taught in school.

Continue reading with your child each night. Remember that you should be working on the "Be a Phanatic About Reading" Program and the "25 Book Challenge". If you have misplaced either form please contact me and I will send another home!

Hope you like those cute penguins we made Monday!

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