Sunday, December 20, 2009

Last week we began a new chapter in Math. We are now learning about numbers 10-30 through the use of ten frames. In the picture to the left Shyanna and Noah are using chips to demonstrate numbers 11,12, and 13 on ten frames. One way to practice this at home would be to create ten frames on scrap paper and ask your child to fill in the ten frames using small toys you have at home. You could also have them draw shapes in the ten frames to represent a certain number. I would recommend practicing counting and writing numbers 0-31 at home over the holiday break. I would also encourage you to review the terms top, middle, bottom, left, right, above, below, over, under and patterns. Remember your child will receive their first report card the first week in February.

In Language Arts we are practicing retelling stories using beginning, middle, and end. We are also reviewing character, setting and main idea. These are some skills that can be practiced over the holiday break when you read with your child each night. Remember our list of sight words is growing quickly. It is important to review them on a regular basis.

At this point in the school year I am requiring every student to write a sentence on their own during kid writing. I am reviewing the strategies they should be using when writing independently. Please encourage your child to use proper punctuation, only capitalize the first letter in the sentence, leave "meatball" spaces, and sound out each word when they are writing with you at home.

Thanks for your continued support and cooperation! Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns!
Hope and Alex practicing ten frames!

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