Thursday, October 22, 2009

The foot bone's connected to the...

This week in Science we learned about internal and external body parts. We made scarecrows on Tuesday and Wednesday. The students colored and cut out the arms, legs, body and head for the scarecrows. They had to draw the eyes, nose and mouth on the scarecrows head. They also added the brain, lungs, heart and stomach to their scarecrows. Next week in Science we will continue the discussion of the human body. We will talk about bones and muscles!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Fire Prevention Week

This week in school we learned about fire prevention. We read many books, completed worksheet, made crafts, and had discussions about fire safety. The students also learned about preventing forest fires when we read the story of Smokey the Bear. Our fire dogs turned out to be very cute. Allison is demonstrating her great cutting skills and Hunter is holding the finished project! I would encourage you to talk with your child about fire safety at home. Enjoy the weekend and I look forward to seeing many of you during parent visitation next week!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Reading Reminders

Each week your child will receive a tan booklet. Your child reads the book with me at school and I would also encourage you to have your child practice reading the book at home as well. Remind your child to use their pointer finger to follow along as they read each word. Noah and Lucas are doing a great job demonstrating this! Also continue to practice the Unit 1 sight words at home. You will notice that the tan books consist of many of the sight words. You will be receiving the Unit 2 sight words next week when we begin the next unit. If your child is have difficulty remembering some sight words you could have them write the words a few times. Another way to practice the sight words is by having your child pick out the words as you read books to them at home. The better they know their words the easier reading will be! Thank you for your support and cooperation!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Be A Phanatic About Reading

This week you received papers regarding the Be a Phanatic About Reading Program that our class is participating in. Remember that all you have to do is read with your child each night for 15 minutes. After you read, record the date and book that you read on the "reading recording sheet" that was sent home. Once that sheet is filled up send it to school with your child's name on it and I will send home a new sheet. I am hoping everyone participates in this program because reading with your child is very important! Who knows maybe we will be one of the lucky winning classes to get a visit from the Philly Phanatic!
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